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호주 은행 정보 (연금환급을 받을 본인 명의의 호주계좌)
여권 사본 (여권사본은 꼭 펼쳐서 스캔을 해서 보내주셔야 합니다)
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연금 수수료는 언제 지불해야 하나요?
- 담당 회계사님이 신청하신 내용 확인 후 진행안내 메일을 보내드리면 메일 확인하시고 보내주시면 됩니다.

연금을 납부해준 근무처 정보
환급 신청하려는 연금회사가 몇곳인가요?
Super company 1
Super companies 2
Super companies 3

Super company 1

Super companies 2

Super companies 3

I hereby authorise AIA Finance Accounting Consulting to act on my behalf in the capacity of accountant and registered tax agent (No. 77901008) to prepare and lodge my personal income tax return based upon information provided by me for the year of income which is true and correct.It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to retain this declaration for a period of five years after the declaration is made. By signing this declaration, the taxpayer agrees to AIA Finance Accounting Consulting holding these records on the taxpayer’s behalf. Important: the tax law imposes heavy penalties for giving false or misleading information.I acknowledge that I have read the above privacy statement and consent to the uses and disclosures listed therein and to other uses and disclosures allowed under the Act. I also consent to the transfer of our information, including personal information to another organisation on the sale, transfer or disposal of your business.I understand that by clicking I have read and agreed this terms & conditions means that I have signed this declaration.

I have read and agreed terms & conditions